Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why I Love Spring

I love the Spring Season. A bit odd because I live in the Philippines and I haven’t really experienced that season ever, since we only recognize two seasons in our tropical country–summer and rainy.
But I love Spring. I can’t remember when my love for this particular season started. I just realized one day that I’m becoming hooked on browsing spring images on the net and using it as either background for my blog site or for my desktop. Furthermore, when I search for themes for my sites, I often look for spring themes. I even got glued on watching videos and reading poems and stories about this delightful season.
Perhaps I learned to love spring because I love the idea of the flowers opening their blooms and showing off their beauty. I love spring flowers! I’m not much of a flower lady but when i think of spring flowers especially cherry blossoms, I’m really delighted.
I love spring because I love to fancy about snow melting, grasschanging from brown to green, the air getting warmer, and the sun rising up in the earlier hours of the morning.
I love spring because it is the season when the birds start building their nests. They say that the sound of birds singing is one of the first signs of spring.  This is also the season for new born lambs.
I love spring because I love imagining myself smelling that distinct fragrance of the spring season while walking down the street and feeling the rush of excitement for welcoming this blissful season.
I love spring because everything seems so colorful, vibrant and fresh. Like it’s the nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s Party!’
I love spring because for most part, it symbolizes hope and a new beginning. They say that it’s God’s way of saying that there are still wonderful things to look forward to in life after a season of drought or sadness. Now’s the time to renew, recharge and freshen up and forget the bad things that occurred during the last season.
I love spring because it is the season of love. For those who’ve been hurt in the past, spring is the time to let go of that bitter feeling and welcome love in their hearts again. As for people who’ve never experienced being in love before, spring is the time of hope and great expectations. It is the time to explore and enjoy life like you’ve always wanted. Mostly, love often blooms during the spring season.
Perhaps I love spring because of the hope and the comfort it brings to weary souls. It is the time to relax, smell the flowers, be in one with nature, marvel at the wonderful creations of God, and simply expect for great things to come:-)

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